
Class Active Mapping

Brief discussion about CAM and Grad-CAM

Class Activation Mapping

CAM Example
TorchCAM Example

By simply upsampling the class activation map to the size of the input image, we can identify the image regions most relevant to the particular category


We perform global average pooling on the convolutional feature maps and use those as features for a fully-connected layer that produces the desired output (categorical or otherwise). Given this simple connectivity structure, we can identify the importance of the image regions by projecting back the weights of the output layer on to the convolutional feature maps, a technique we call class activation mapping.

CAM Structure
Mapping Matrix

By simply up-sampling the class activation map to the size of the input image, we can identify the image regions most relevant to the particular category

What top-5 results network is paying attention to?
What the network is paying attention to?


Why does interpretability matter? - Transparency

  • First, when AI is significantly weaker than humans and not yet reliably deployable (e.g. visual question answering), the goal of transparency and explanations is to identify the failure modes, thereby helping researchers focus their efforts on the most fruitful research directions.
  • Second, when AI is on par with humans and reliably deployable (e.g., image classification trained on sufficient data), the goal is to establish appropriate trust and confidence in users.
  • Third, when AI is significantly stronger than humans (e.g. chess or Go), the goal of explanations is in machine teaching – i.e., a machine teaching a human about how to make better decisions.
Grad-CAM architecture.

3D Conv & Grad-CAM

3D ConvNet
3D ConvNet Formula


